The Generals Outpost are proud to announce our first two day Bolt Action tournament, our second tournament of 2025!
Friday 31st October – Saturday 1st November 2025
Friday (10:00-16:00), Saturday (09:00-17:30)
Denewell Ave URC hall. Low Fell, Gateshead. NE9 5HD
£15 (free to club members), cost covers both days.
34 Players, 17 Tables featuring theatres form the whole of WW2, five 140 minute games per player (three on 6’x4’ tables and one game on a 4’x4’ table) over 2 Days* of gaming and…. Prizes, Prizes, Prizes. *Players must be available for both days!
This will be our second tournament using 3rd edition rules.
1250pts, max 18 dice.
Book you place now to avoid disappointment. Speak to Chris: [email protected].
The players pack below should answer any questions you have. Still have more questions? speak to Chris.
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